Weekly Watercolour Painting Classes
Are you interested in a Beginners Watercolour Painting Class with a local landscape artist David Meeks in Upper Heyford?
David’s previous students have all been inspired to display their work at the Artweeks events held in Upper Heyford. If you are interested in joining a class please ring Jo on 01869 232291 or 07734 562028.
Weekly Art and Craft Sessions
Thursdays 10-12 at the Upper Heyford Reading Room
Weekly Morning Walks around the Cherwell Valley
A band of enthusiastic walkers meet up every Monday to walk together and enjoy the Cherwell Valley. If you would like to join us you would be made most welcome.
Every Monday, 10.00am-12noon – we usually meet at Upper Heyford Village Hall car park at 10.00am *
Healthy Heyford Walks 2008
The walks are between 3 and 5 miles, at a leisurely pace over fields, and take about 2 hrs.
Good walking boots/shoes are advised.
* Occasionally we start from a different point, so it is advisable to confirm meeting place detail.
For more information, please contact Jo by email at, or by ‘phone on 01869 232291 or 07734 562028.
Previous activities include:
Health Walks Training Programme
Hatha Yoga – mixed ability
Get Active, Stay Active Gentle Exercise classes
Some comments from the painting courses:
“Great fun, really enjoyed it. Amazing to see our progress.”
“It’s been great to meet so many new people; I really look forward to Thursdays.”
“I’ve made some really good friends.”
“I have more confidence in myself, it’s great.”
“I find it therapeutic and relaxing.”
“Fantastic company and so much encouragement from everyone. Thank you.”