Welcome to The Heyfords’ WI
Thinking of joining us?
What you can expect..? First of all, no one is going to quiz you on whether you have a favourite recipe for a sponge cake, or whether you can bake.
We are a friendly group, who will offer friendship and support and you too will have the opportunity to join in as much or as little as you decide.
We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in The Reading Room, School Lane, Upper Heyford, OX25 5LG
Our meetings start with a short business session to report on WI issues, and events in Oxfordshire and on the national scene. This is usually followed by a talk or demonstration with plenty of social time, to be able to catch up and have a tea or coffee with cake or biscuits.
You are more than welcome to come along and see what we are like… give me a call, what have you got to lose? Hopefully a lot to gain!
Lynn Humberstone
tel: 01869 340596
Email: lynnhumberstone@btinternet.com
Oxfordshire Federation of Women’s Institutes
Website www.oxfordshirewi.co.uk
National Federation of Women’s Institutes
tel: 0207 371 9300
Website www.womens-institute.org.uk
Programme 2024/25
May 15th Discuss Resolution ‘Dental Health Matters’ plus supper
June 19th Seated Zumba – Thea Rogers
July 17th Members evening
August No meeting
September 18th Recycling with a Difference – Susan Drage
October 16th The Repair Shop & Me – Christine Farmer
November 20th Christmas a different time – Jane Abbott
December 18th Christmas meal
January 15th Our 90th birthday – special evening
February 19th Whodunnit – Peter Tickler
March 19th AGM and Social time
April 16th Indian Block Printing – Marea Brown
Please do come along