On behalf of the Parish Council
As we venture through the Winter months and emerge into Spring there are the inevitable issues with our local streets, drains and other such municipal services that we see each year. Frequently the Parish Council is made aware of these issues by villagers who notice the problems whilst out on walks or driving around.
Did you know that there is a service that everybody can use called Fix My Street?
This is a national free web- and mobile app- based service that allows users to immediately report issues, (along with photographs and exact locations) as they see them live. The report is then fed back to the relevant authorities for investigation and action. In the past the resolutions have been swift, especially on extreme cases such as large potholes, some remedied within 48 hours.
What can I report?
FixMyStreet is primarily for reporting things which are broken or dirty or damaged or dumped, and need fixing, cleaning or clearing, like graffiti, dog fouling, potholes, street lights that don’t work, and blocked drains.
A user can also see where someone has already reported an issue, and add further notes to the case if needed.
The Parish Council encourages all villagers to use this service and actively report issues as they are found – this is by far the quickest way to have problems addressed. If an issue is not addressed to your satisfaction then the PC can get involved to escalate the issue with the relevant authorities, but in the first instance we have found that reports are dealt with in a timely manner.
Please feel free to contact the Parish Clerk should you need any further information.
Many thanks.
The web links are below for the site and app stores.
Apple App Store – https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/fixmystreet/id297456545
Google Play Store – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mysociety.FixMyStreet